The residents of the tiny town of Foxbluff Lake live a quiet existence. For 15 year old Coug Hawkins, the son of a former football legend at Washington State University, summer has just started. He is looking forward to another summer of fishing excursions and camping trips with his two closest friends. Little does he know that the shocking discovery of a disfigured body found in the lake; coupled with the mysterious dissappearance of a local bartender, will put a halt to any summer adventures they have already planned.
Just over the border, the people responsible for the grisly murder and the dissappearance are planning their next move. A multi-million dollar enterprise is all the motivation the men need to keep not only their business a secret, but their brutal acts, as well.
Coug Hawkins and his friends get in their way.
Just over the border, the people responsible for the grisly murder and the dissappearance are planning their next move. A multi-million dollar enterprise is all the motivation the men need to keep not only their business a secret, but their brutal acts, as well.
Coug Hawkins and his friends get in their way.
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