Monday, April 26, 2010

Gray Dog Press publishing Coug Hawkins!

Good news! I received confirmation today that Gray Dog Press (a local publisher) is going to publish my book! As I get more information, I will keep the blog updated with release dates, signings, etc. I am going to go to Conconully (the actual setting for the story) this weekend to celebrate, fish, and take pictures/get ideas for the cover art for the book. Check out Gray Dog's website below. They have a lot of great books, both fiction and nonfiction to select from:

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Short Story Published

My first short story, "The Social History of Bourbon", was published in the Fall 2009 Edition of SpokeWrite - The Spokane/Coeur d'Alene Journal of Art and Writing. It revolves around a silly premise involving a quote from a classic John Wayne movie & a 1st year teacher who likes to have a good time. And yes, he is a Wazzu grad.